Skills and Training

Training and skillshare in archaeology and heritage projects

CHC offers a wide range of training opportunities in archaeological methods, from standard excavation techniques, historic building recording to remote sensing, such as aerial survey or GIS mapping, together with data interpretations and presenting heritage, whether to school age children, archaeology students or the public.

As creators of Archaeology skills passport scheme and through our long-standing engagement with Archaeology field schools in Scotland, we have considerable experience in training volunteers and students in all aspects of archaeological techniques.  The Skills Passport system was first proposed in 2008 an originally intended to provide a stepping stone towards professional accreditation at the start of, or prior to a career; a means of recognising personal skill gaps and a convenient way to log continual professional development (CPD). The scheme has since been translated into 4 languages and adopted in several countries outside the UK. We are also currently involved in the development of Delivering Online Vocational Training in Archaeology Project, an online and app based learning systems to complement the Archaeology Skills Passport.

We are keen supporters of building in-house capacity through training and our resume also includes international projects, such as training of staff at the Department of Antiquities and Museums (DAM), Ras al-Khaimah, in Historic Building Recording Techniques.



Contact us
+44(0)787 6528498
+44(0)1368 840847

Company Details

CHC is a trading name for BAJR Ltd
Company No.:  SC654150
VAT: GB315846200